R Code
Below are links to R code scripts that I have created for either my own personal research or for statistics courses at my university. I have also uploaded all of my teaching slides/assignments from our into to regression and ANOVA graduate course I have previously taught. There’s also a section for helpful (and FREE) resources for learning R & running various models in R that I have compiled (and am always updating frequently)!
Free R-Resources On the Web!
Here are some links to awesome free R resources that I’ve come across. Many of these tutortials or books I routinely use myself, and have found extremley helpful for learning R and running more advanced models!
Intro to Regression and Anova Course Materials
I have uploaded all of my lab lecture slides, homework assignments, and keys to the homework assignments to a master folder in Google Drive. All materials are organized by topic area.
Psychometrics Material (Homework Code)
Here is a list of R-code/R-Markdown files I have created for homework templates for our Psychometrics course at USF! To keep things clean, I’ve attached links that will take you to a seperate Rpub file where I have posted the Rmarkdown files.
R Code for Published Research Projects
Below are links to various R code scripts associated with some of my ongoing or published research projects.
Quick R Cheat Sheet
I made a quick reference sheet for R commands/functions I find myself frequently using (or needing to google), in addition to other helpful commands for beginners! I will be updating this frequently as I come across other helpful tips or tricks to make life easier when using R! :)